Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Agua Caliente

Having heard no protests, I present a most unusual view of the desert. On the northeastern edge of the Tucson valley is the natural springs called Agua Caliente. In my years growing up in Tucson and then while in graduate school at the U of A, I had not been aware of this fount. I found out about it from KL's Sonoran Blog. So I visited it myself.

To see a SlideShow of images from Agua Caliente, click Here.

We are governed by our associations. For someone growing up in the New York area this juxtaposition of natural flowing water, water fowl and lakes(!) with desert and rocky mountains may seem to just fit their imagination. But for someone who knows the dryness of the desert, the hardness of caliche, this is unexpected and thus more wondrous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, NY perspecitves. I get it. A New Yorker's view of the hot water. Si, si. I went, I saw, I loved it all over again. Tucson was deliciously warm for this time of year. And the sky was blue blue blue every day I was there. One day we can go to a play there together. I saw Julie in a silly play out in Oracle. Very fun. All's well that ends well. Not that play, just that thought.