Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Harbingers of Spring

The first harbinger is the cormorant who visits Prospect Lake early in the spring each year.

Next, is the brilliant yellow of the forsythia:

Then, more yellow appears as the daffodils rise up with all their strength and delicacy:

White has been introduced, and the plum tree in front of my building provides an impressionistic cloud of white when it bursts into bloom:

Overnight there is an explosion of pink right at the entrance to the park:


Kathryn (KL) Lance said...

Very lovely; lovely words and lovely pictures. Forsythia = palo verde blossoms, which are mostly blown off the trees now except where they haven't even started.

Nan said...

Yep, I was thinking that very thing. Forsythia=palo verde, but I couldn't remember they were forsythia. I was thinking wisteria, which are wistful purple of course. Spring is grand no matter where we are.

Dale said...

Thanks. The difference is that the forsythia yellow just turns to green leaves.

Anonymous said...

These delicate colors are so welcome after winter. Someone put a lot of thought into the placement of these trees and bushes--there is always something to look at. Given the amount of rain we've had this spring Prospect Park will soon be a deep green jungle. Thanks for these pix so we can always remember how rare early spring was.