Saturday, August 30, 2008

8th Avenue Flora and Fauna

After a harrowing night at work, I almost didn't feel up to a scheduled rehearsal with my singing partner. But I went and it was very rewarding. Not only did I leave feeling much better and humming with harmonies, I began to see all the color of the world along 8th Avenue.

First up was a beautiful Danaus plexippus (monarch butterfly) in the same spot where I had got the image of the butterfly last year that appears in the title of this blog. I am pretty sure this is a male. Is he not handsome?


Anonymous said...

The good feeling that comes from singing harmony is different from the also-interesting effect of tuning forks. There's the whole element of co-creation with another person, listening to each other, slipping in and out of the groove. The tuning forks heal one person at a time.

Dale said...

You make a good case for the greater healing power of singing harmony over tuning forks. Would it be too fanciful to suggest that the G tuning fork and the C tuning fork experience that same good feeling? And that can be shared by someone listening to the two tones being sounded, one at each ear? So that what is added in singing harmony is the co-creation; hearing the co-created blend as it is made; consciousness at the point of creation.