Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello All

These days of late August have been beautiful in New York. Jogging in the Park, visiting the farmers' market, preparing the fresh fruits and vegetables there purchased occupy my days. The nights follow the adventures of the Mets. Then at work, after completing whatever assignments await me (and thanks to the miracle of online video), I have been following the Democratic Convention in Denver. Michelle Obama's heartwarming and charming sweetness, followed by Hillary's very powerful speech, followed by Bill Clinton's clear and enthusiastic message were all very inspiring. I was overwhelmed with admiration as Bill recommended that America needs "to lead by our powerful example, rather than examples of our power."

Tonight, I was able to see Senator Obama as he began his speech, and listen to the rest of it on the radio coming to work. He did not let us down. Clearly he has the vision that is needed, the wisdom to know it will not be easy, and the resolve to do whatever it takes to begin solving our many serious problems.

So tonight I begin this public journal. May the fruits of all of our work benefit all living beings.


Anonymous said...

Yay, Dale! I'm glad you have started a blog! I love the beautiful picture in your headline. And I totally agree about the DNC speeches.

jimmoore said...

Nice Blog.. very poetic. Keep up the good work.

jimmoore said...

Hi Ho Hi's off to work we go...Don't happy...You can make it work.
visit my blog:

Allen said...

You are younger than usual, with a keen eye and sensibilities. I am so glad you share your insight, from poliltics, to the look of a butterfly because they are never trite, but brimming with joy.
Your fan, NW

alphajolt said...

Cool Dale! Keep writing, you are finding your spot. I especially like "preparing the fresh fruits and vegetables there purchased occupy my days". Check out my 2 blogs. The second one has a video of me singing in San Francisco.

1) "What Joe Thinks" at:

2) "Things Joe Does" at:

"What Joe Thinks" never took off, I think I'm going with Things Joe Does... but then I'm thinking, "Who Cares?" I dunno.

Cool that I have a new virtual running mate too! Let's run together someday - running is a lonely business...

Cheers, congrats on your blog

- Joe

Anonymous said...

It is december and u haven't posted anything to this blog in a loooooonnnnnnng time...what gives?